Voting in the 2024 Conference
You were able to make your mark on the OU Students Association by voting on the 2024 Conference resolutions (see below). These were motions put forward by the Student Leadership Team, students and the Association to make changes, alter processes and confirm documents to guide the work done by your Students Association.
We provided a number of documents (see above) in order for students to make their decisions and vote. We also provided three short videos relating to the special resolutions (see below) to give you more information before you made your votes!
In addition, we held Conference debate sessions from Friday 10 May – Tuesday 21 May, where students could access early voting.
We can confirm that all of the resolutions passed!
We are so excited to be able to make the changes you want to see to your Students Association.
Read the full results
Voting in our resolutions (which are every two years) not only ensures your voice is heard during your studies, but also allows the Association to see what areas students are most passionate about and what their requirements are.
Voting was the only way to gain access to the Association's online Conference on Saturday 15 June. This interactive and engaging day of workshops and speakers also included the announcement of the results of the Conference's resolutions. If you voted on any on these resolutions, you were able to come to Conference.
Special resolutions
The three below resolutions required 75% of Conference delegates to approve the changes before they could be officially implemented. We created these easy-to-understand videos in order to explain resolutions A to C, to help you make an informed and well-rounded decision when voting.
Resolution A
Approve an official change to the name of our elected Student team from Central Executive Committee to Student Leadership Team.
Resolution B
Amend Article 26 to introduce an additional 3-5 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Representative positions on the elected team to provide better representation for the active groups of the Association.
Resolution C
Implement a change to Article 20 to allow Student Leadership Team elections and Student Trustee Elections to run in alternate years.
Ordinary resolutions
The ordinary resolutions required a simple majority of 50% to be implemented. You can find all of the ordinary resolutions listed here, and a full list of resolutions and their explanations in the document below.
- Resolution D
- Students are asked to vote on a motion to rebrand the OU Students Association to be known as the OU Student Union (OpenSU).
- Resolution E
- Approve a motion to support the Students Association to campaign for the University to better support diagnosis of Neurodivergent conditions such as ADHD where students are seeking a diagnosis to support their study.
- Resolution F
- Approve a motion for representatives of the OU Students Association to campaign for the University not to reduce the existing curriculum, even when making financial cuts, but rather to find ways of preserving and, wherever possible extending, the curriculum.
- Resolution G
- Vote to ratify the minutes of the 2022 biennial Conference.
- Resolution H
- Receive the report of the Trustees and the CEC on the Association’s activities since the 2022 biennial Conference.
- Resolution I
- Receive the accounts of the Association for the completed financial years since the previous biennial Conference (2021-22, 2022-23).
- Resolution J
- Vote to approve the re-appointment of Haysmacintyre to act as the Association’s auditors.
- Resolution K
- Conference delegates are asked to vote to approve the continuation of our affiliation with National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO).
- Resolution L
- Conference delegates are asked to vote to approve the continuation of our affiliation with Charity Finance Group (CFG).
- Resolution M
- Conference delegates are asked to vote to approve the continuation of our affiliation with Association of Volunteer Managers (AVM).
- Resolution N
- Conference delegates are asked to vote to approve the continuation of our affiliation with WonkHE.
Important documents
List of resolutions for Conference 2024
Central Executive Committee Report
2024 Conference documents
Board of Trustees Report
If you require versions of documents with different accessibility requirements,
please email oustudents-conference@open.ac.uk and we will provide these where possible.