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Approvals Statements Student issues Social media conversations
Other news We need you

This report is replacing what used to be called the 'Quarterly Impact Reports' paper. All members of the Student Leadership Team completed a form and their responses have been collated into this concise report on our website. This is a new method though and as a result is a work in progress. The next report may look slightly different as we look forward to adding a section about group priorities based on manifesto pledges. If you have any feedback on this style of reporting, please do get in touch!
This section shows the approvals given by the team between 1 August and 7 October 2022.
OU Students Association Environmental and Sustainability Working Group Terms of Reference – Approved – 11 September 2022.
New individual and collective reporting methods for the team – Approved 12 September 2022
Approval of two new external members of the Board of Trustees – Approved 13 September 2022
Recommendation to the Board of Trustees for a bye-law amendment – Approved 4 October 2022

These are statements issued by members of the team in response to certain issues in the last 3 months.
Update on proposed changes to HE regulations – 19 August 2022
Pending results statement – 8 September 2022
Statement on the passing of Her Majesty The Queen – 9 September 2022
Association statement on upcoming UCU ballot on strike action – 3 October 2022

These are the issues that have come to the attention of members of the team during the last 3 months
- Availability of Public Transport discounts for OU students
Members of the team will investigate what is available to students.
The team will be discussing this at their October meeting. A statement was also released in conjunction with this that you find in the section above.
- Delayed Alternative Formats
The President and Deputy President are meeting with the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Students next week to discuss this issue.
- Lack of Student Leadership Team and increasing number of vacant roles
There are currently six vacant roles. These will all be in the by-election which opens in November.
- Module Materials Delivery Times
Contact was made with the Distribution team to discuss potential arrangements for students living far from the UK.
- Issue regarding administration of the Clubs
This is currently being investigated and will be discussed at the October meeting.
Issue regarding a student’s order for the shop. Contact details were passed to the student and her problem was then resolved.
Student was facing external pressures so was signposted to local support services, as well as the Association’s peer support service.
- Monthly Student Rep Forum
There was feedback in the forum regarding advance expenses and issues around the processing of these. This was picked up with the Volunteer and Representation team.
- Access to the Student Assistance Fund
There was difficulty accessing this fund by some students. The application was passed to them and raised with staff members whether the existing process was robust.

Join the discussion in these selected social media conversations involving the team
The Deputy President comments on changes to HE regulation in Wales, and how your voice will still be heard.
VP Engagement talks about their experience volunteering at a graduation ceremony and encourages you to get involved.
Student Representatives decide who should win the WELS Teaching Excellence Awards, which focus on improving pedagogical methods for OU Students.
The President celebrates the changes in criteria for the Student Assistance Fund. This was pushed for heavily by the Students Association and shows the effect of the student voice.

- The President has been raising awareness and pushing for change for the criteria of the OU Student Assistance Fund to be relaxed. They have also been requesting further financial contribution from the OU for the fund. The President has spoken with many of the OU Senior Team, and it was raised in the Strategic and Planning Committee, a sub-committee of Council. The OU have agreed to add to the fund. We have received confirmation that we have been successful and that the criteria of the Student Assistance Fund have been updated and will also be backdated for applications that are currently in the process.
- With Face-to-Face events resuming, Michael, our VP Admin has met with various Societies and encouraged them to apply for grants to support the resumption of this work. Following this, there has been an increase in applications, with some of these grants being used to support the Freshers Fair on 8 October 2022.
- The Deputy President has led a redevelopment of the Terms of Reference for our internal Environment and Sustainability Working Group, also involving the creation of 6 new student volunteer roles. Following the approval of the new Terms of Reference a new SLT and Staff lead has been appointed and the groups remit has been refined to provide a clearer direction. Applications for the new volunteer roles can be found here, and close on 30 October.
- The OU Students Association Tutor Awards 2022 is nearing its completion. All awards have now been presented and we look forward to sharing this information with you soon on our website. Nominations will soon open for our 2023 Awards too!
- Our VP Engagement has been busy working with the OU and staff at the Association to help plan the upcoming Student Voice Week, running from 7 – 13 November. Student Voice Week is your chance to have your voice heard – good or bad – at the Open University, and the week will be jam packed with a variety of events based on different topics for you to do so. More information and how to sign up can be found here.
- As part of our autumn Freshers 2022, the first in-person meet up since the pandemic at our Milton Keynes campus has taken place on 8 October at our Freshers Fair. Attendees were able to mingle with other students whilst finding out about more about the Association, its Societies, its Support Groups and the OU Library. Campus tours also took place and the day also involved presentation of the Tutor Awards to two of our winners, who cut a cake for those at the event to enjoy! This event forms part of a wider Freshers offering, covering 8 October to the 23 October and a mammoth 57 events organised by our Community team and VP Community, Cazz, in conjunction with a wide variety of event facilitators! The full details can be seen here.

We Need You!
The team are working on a variety of projects, and some would like your feedback!
Lou, our VP Engagement, is creating a content hub to help with student induction. Please fill in this form if there is anything you would like to see included!
Ben, Faculty Rep for FBL wants your views on what should be key components of the new Student Chat Platform that is in development. Let him know by emailing him here.
Both our Scottish (Paul) and International (Mohai) reps are looking for your feedback on what more could be done to make you feel part of the OU student community. Email Paul here and Mohai here.
Nic, our VP Student Support is looking for feedback from students who request alternative formats from The Open University. This can be given here. We are aware of issues with students not receiving materials on time and are doing everything we can do raise this issue, but this form is about the process of requesting alternative formats only.
Please use this comment box below to provide any comments you may have on the report: