
Forensic Psychology conference

Every year OUPS holds an applied psychology conference, inviting top psychologists to talk on a specific area of psychology to give delegates the opportunity to hear experts in the field present up to date research on a specific area of psychology and to provide a forum for informed discussion. In 2025 our conference will be on 'Forensic Psychology'.

The conference is designed to bring together psychologists with an expertise in both so-called pure and applied aspects of criminal offending. It will look at the developmental roots of criminal behaviour, what maintains such behaviour as well as the evolutionary significance of psychopathy. The conference will look at interventions to prevent the emergence of criminal behaviour and raise the issue of possible treatments. It will examine how juries make their decisions in the case of rape trials and the legal aspects of domestic violence. The most extreme examples of psychopathy, mass and serial killing, will be examined and the question raised as to what leads to such a trajectory.

All details can be found on our website oups.org.uk

Please note our Values and Behaviour Policy before attending this event.

Please also note our Face-to-face Guidance for Accessing Meetings, Events and Activities. It is recommended that:

  1. Attendees are encouraged to take a lateral flow test before attending, and should only attend if the test is clearly negative.
  2. Attendees should NOT attend if they feel unwell at all (even if not COVID related) to minimise the risk of spreading any illness.
  3. Attendees are encouraged to act in accordance with the face-mask policy for the venue where the Meet-up is taking place, and at all times to respect others’ rights to wear a face-mask and maintain social distancing (where appropriate).