Newsletter – Autumn 2022

Meet your committee
Marilin Salstrom
I am Marilin, the Chair of the D S G committee. I'm studying towards a psychology with counselling degree. I am passionate about accessibility and inclusion so being on the committee is a wonderful opportunity.

I have perfect pitch, which means that if I hear music, I can tell exactly what note the melody is and copy it very accurately.
Laura Cranstoun, Secretary

I’m Laura, I live in Scotland and I’m proud to volunteer with the D S G committee and be part of this special community.
I believe that peer support is so powerful; we might be on different courses and journeys, but we’re all in this together and can learn so much from one another <3
I love interacting with our D S G community and you can mostly find me on the forums, so come along to the DSG Café and have a blether about a range of topics whenever you fancy – I’m looking forward to
seeing you there!
Here’s a picture of my old lady, Diesel. She is 14 years old and is my best friend. Diesel loves being my study buddy, sitting on my laptop, “helping” with TMAs and joining in on Teams meetings!

I love animals and I have 3.5 pets!
Becca Phoenix, Events & Communications Officer
I’m Becca, I’m 23 and I live in Sunny Cornwall! I’m currently studying for the BA in Social Sciences and loving it.
In my free time I enjoy playing video games and watching T V with my fiancé. I live to help other people and hope I can make a difference to make all the disabled students time at the O U better!

I’ve only left the U K once in my entire life.
Felicity Burgess
I live in Oxford; I am studying B S c (Hons) Mathematics and I have physical and mental health conditions. I like listening to audiobooks and music, watching TV and playing computer games.

I'm an identical twin.
Hannah Burns
I'm Hannah, I'm from Coventry and have just achieved a BA in Creative Writing and English Language alongside working part-time for my local council.
I enjoy watching films and television and spending time with friends and I volunteer with Girlguiding.

I'm left-handed but also cross-dominant which means I use scissors and similar tools in my right hand.
Susanna Van Tonder

I joined the O U in 2014 as an undergraduate student in Social Sciences.
In 2016, I received a multiple sclerosis diagnosis and since then I have embarked on an advocacy journey.
To complete my interests, I switched to an Open Degree – combining management and mental health into my specialisms.

I am a trauma enthusiast – I love learning about the topic as it feels that there so much to cover and it’s never ending.
Steph Stubbins

My name is Steph, and I am 55 years old and live in Kent. I am a wheelchair user with complex disabilities and health problems.
I enjoy studying, writing, reading, art/craft and spending time with my family and friends.
I have just started my first level 3 module B302 Strategic Management and have a renewed love of learning since becoming an OU Student.
My other babies are Sid, my 3-legged chihuahua (left-hand side of the photo) and Belle, my short haired chihuahua of the 4-legged variety (seen on the right). They are both my fluffy study buddies, who love having their photos taken.

I have a large family with 7 children, 29 grandchildren and my first great grandchild, and I am young enough to be a trendy nanny/great-nanny!
Nichola Connolly
My name is Nichola, I am 48 years old live by myself in Warrington, Cheshire. I have complex illnesses and disabilities, a number of which are hidden disabilities, and autoimmune diseases.
I have been volunteering with the Students Association since I started studying in 2018. I am currently involved in various volunteering opportunities including being the Faculty Association Rep for Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies (WELS).
I am also an event and online meet up host so arrange meet ups online and in my local area.I am currently studying E309 and EK313 towards a BA Hons in Primary Education Studies and hopefully will graduate this year.
It is an honour and privilege to be part of the Disabled Students Group committee, to be able to support students and look forward to supporting more students and the DSG in the work that they do.

I recently had singing lessons.
Some of us have included a photo of our furry study buddies. Do you have any pictures of your study buddies which we could feature in upcoming newsletters? Send them to dsg@open.ac.uk!

Signposting Spotlight - OU Careers and Employability Services
If you find yourself wondering about your future, you may be asking:
- Where can my OU study take me?
- How can I make the hard work in O U study count if I’m not studying for career reasons?
- How do I get to my career goals?
Careers and Employability Services can help.
Take a look at our website resources, Career Planning Guide or book a 121 consultation by email, phone or video – your choice.

Freshers – Study Tips
We asked our members to share their best tips for studying with a disability – here are our top 5:
- Study in small chunks, “little and often”. The pomodoro technique.
- Make full use of the study planner to keep track of your progress
- Study in whatever position is comfortable for you, no matter how unconventional!
- Fit your study and assignments around your health without feeling guilty about doing so
- Make your environment as comfortable as possible and treat yourself afterwards!
This edition’s featured Hoot Article is a piece by our very own Stephanie Stubbins on her experiences of studying with a mental health condition, featuring some very helpful and detailed tips on how to manage your mental health as a student : https://thehootstudents.com/studying-with-bipolar-and-mental-health-tips-while-studying/
We wish you the best of luck with your studies until our next edition, remember we are always here for you, contact us if you need us!