My name is Rachael. I am 19, bisexual and in secondary school I helped run an Equalities Club where we aimed to show the importance of representation and support – no matter what. I also volunteered at my local bike library! So I do have a good amount of volunteering experience.
I am currently in my first year of my Engineering degree – I am hoping to go into electronic engineering. I work part-time as well as studying.
I am very artsy and have an adorable cockapoo called Baxter.
I have been through my fair share of life, even though I am only 19, so don’t let that put you off ever getting in touch for support! I also would love to know of any event ideas anyone has, and would love to have as many suggestions as to how the committee can support you, and what events you would like to join or may find helpful!
As we are all new committee members, I hope that we all can be respectful and supportive through this new era of OU Pride!!
Here's what I want to achieve as Events Officer:
- I want to make monthly/fortnightly support group meetings to help the engagement of our community and to offer support for those who need it. It would also allow chance for people to make friendships and get to know each other.
- I want to make a safe, open space where everyone feels welcome. I don’t want the community to be fear-driven.