Karie (studying Art History), Hector (studying MSc in Finance), Nicky (studying Natural Sciences), Tom (studying Physics), and reserve member Ashara (studying History) comprise the brilliant Team Open on Series 31 of University Challenge, airing from 12 August 2024.
At the time of writing, Team Open have reached the quarter-finals. Check out our news page for the latest information!
We spoke to the team about how they found appearing on University Challenge.

Team Open, from left to right: Nicky Maving, Tom Barber, Karie Westermann, Hector Payne.
Why did you apply for University Challenge?
Hector: "It is a show that has always fascinated me, in spite of its difficulty! When I first started watching the show, I would be pleased if I got a bonus question right. Now that I am on the team I feel that I have come a long way!"
Ashara: "I have always enjoyed watching University Challenge, and last year's Open team had a player from Fraserburgh, which is also my hometown. I honestly applied on a whim and never thought I'd make the team!"
Tom: "I was studying one evening and saw the "Apply for University Challenge" article in the news section and, having been an avid watcher of the show for a number of years, I thought "why not?!"
Karie: "In 2022 I survived a really awful, terrible event which made me think hard about what I wanted the rest of my life to look like. I started my OU degree as a result as I'd always said I wanted to back to university at some stage, and, well, the time was right.
One night I sat trying to figure out what other things I'd like to do in life, and I wrote down "apply for University Challenge" right next to "see the Northern Lights" and "visit Armenia". And I thought to myself that I might as well tick that application off my bucket list. I had no idea I would end up selected, let alone be on the show!"
"One night I sat trying to figure out what other things I'd like to do in life, and I wrote down "apply for University Challenge" - Karie
When did you first get into quizzing?
Tom: "I have always enjoyed trivia whether that is via board games, TV shows or pub quizzes. What I really enjoy is the competition and the opportunity to test my knowledge."
"What I really enjoy is the competition and the opportunity to test my knowledge." - Tom
Karie: "I've always loved trivia. Always being a massive nerd, I find remembering facts/dates is fun and entertaining.
These days I go to a local pub quiz where my team does pretty well, but I wouldn't call myself a quiz shark. Although I did go on Jeopardy! back in my native Denmark when I was 22, because I wanted to visit friends in New Zealand, and figured that as a skint student I would never be able to go unless I earned some game show money. Today I am not quite sure what went through my 22-year-old brain or why I thought that would work .. except it did work and I did go travelling.
But I have met a lot of folks who are into serious quiz leagues and semi-professional quizzing here in the UK, and that is not the type of quizzer I am. I quiz just for fun."
Ashara: "Honestly, my quiz experience pales in comparison to my teammates'! Some of us are absolutely avid quizzers--Quizbowl, Quiz League of London, etc.--but my past experience only consists of the odd pub quiz here and there."
Hector: "I've always liked random facts, going to pub quizzes and watching quiz shows on TV; I have always had an inquisitive nature too, which helps. It was only after I joined the Quiz League of London that I started taking quizzing more seriously."
Can you tell us about a specialist area of yours that you love learning about and being quizzed on?
Hector: "Classical music, but I also like history and geography questions too."
Tom: "Having had a career in Professional Cricket, I would have to say Cricket! There are some very obscure fielding positions and laws out there! Other than that, I am passionate about Physics and I love learning and understanding how we can explain the world using physical science."
Karie: "I usually say that I am intensely interested in everything! However, I'm an Art History student with a prior MA in English Literature/Critical Theory, so my sweet spot is definitely arts and humanities. I'm particularly interested in early 20th century arts and culture, so anything relating to culture circa 1909-1939 is up my street. Funnily enough, I don't encounter that many questions on Vorticists, the Ballet Russe, or Eileen Gray's furniture pieces. So, my role in a quiz team is usually to answer questions on Eurovision, UK pop charts, and Oscar-winning films. Arts and pop culture, that is me.
My day job is in textiles, so I also love getting questions relating to fashion and design. Textiles play such a big part in history (from sheep husbandry in Mesopotamia to European slave trade) that I readily dip into world history and geography too. As I said, I'm intensely interested in everything.
Never ask me anything about sport or science, though."
What was your favourite moment of the University Challenge process?
Karie: "The best part of the whole University Challenge process was getting to know my team. They are truly incredible people, and experiencing this whole mad process with them has been an absolute joy. I remember a moment in a train station where I randomly met Tom Barber after a match and we just stood there laughing like idiots because everything seemed so absurd (in a good way!). Getting to represent Open University with these fine folks is something I will treasure forever."
"Getting to represent Open University with these fine folks is something I will treasure forever." - Karie
Tom: "It is hard to pick one specific moment. Personally, getting your first buzzer question correct is an obvious highlight but I think one of the best experiences was being part of a team with a shared interest in quizzing and the camaraderie between us and also the other teams in and around filming. As a team, we had only met once (on audition day!) before the filming started and the bond that we created from day 1 is special."
Hector: "When we tested the buzzers for the first time and heard Roger Tilling calling out our names. It was surreal!"

Team Open with presenter Amol Rajan, from left to right: Nicky Maving, Tom Barber, Amol Rajan, Karie Westermann, Hector Payne.
Was the experience as you expected?
Ashara: "It was fantastic! Honestly, I applied not expecting to make it through, so I'm not sure that I had many expectations going in.
The reserve spot was perfect for me, as it meant I could enjoy the whole thing without worrying about being on TV, let alone becoming a meme. We had a lovely team and I've so enjoyed getting to know them and our practice sessions."
Hector: "Yes and no. We knew it would be nerve-racking and tough, but I was pleasantly surprised by how accommodating and nice the production staff were. For example, we were offered water when we were on the set and staff checked to make sure our clothes didn't have loose hairs with lint rollers. In short, they looked after us in the studios!"
Karie: "No! I had no idea that I was going to be selected, so hearing that I was team captain was truly surreal! And then meeting all these amazing people along the way was brilliant.
What I hadn't realised was that every single person involved with University Challenge is a nerd just as myself - and they are all so sweet! We had a genuinely great time hanging out which felt magical because I can quicky feel awkward among strangers.
And Roger Tilling sits live in the studio and will just announce your name over the tannoy when you get a starter. The first time I heard THAT voice say our names I did get shivers. It made it feel very real."
How did you practice for the show?
Karie: "We all live in different parts of the UK, so we met up online. We watched old episodes, played trivia games and spent a long time getting to know each other. One of the most important part of University Challenge is that your team is comfortable around each other and work well together. I am a big believer in passive knowledge being as important as active knowledge, so understanding each other's background and knowledge reservoirs was a big part of the prep.
For example, Hector Payne knows a lot about South America, Nicky Maving is fantastic at wordplay and puns, Tom Barber is a cricket expert, and I know a lot of languages, so we could pool those resources in ways that were not immediately apparent."
Any tips or advice for fellow OU students who are thinking about applying for University Challenge?
Hector: "...You have nothing to lose and it is a once in a lifetime opportunity! If you are unsuccessful, don't be hard on yourself as it is not the only chance to get on the team and you can apply the following year.
Don't worry if you are not the next Brandon Blackwell, Gail Trimble or Eric Monkman; most of us aren't! It is still an enjoyable experience regardless."
"You have nothing to lose and it is a once in a lifetime opportunity!" - Hector
Tom: "Go for it! It truly is a brilliant experience. It is also so much more than just being a good quizzer, so don't let the quizzing aspect of it put you off and don't underestimate the value of broad / passive knowledge as well as a specialism."
Karie: "I applied just for fun, because I didn't think I'd ever make it through the process. Participating has really strengthened my confidence and made me aware of skills I didn't know I possessed. It turns out that I am really a decent quizzer - even if my first language isn't English and I know practically nothing about the Tudors or George Best!
Our diverse and different backgrounds are one of the Open University’s biggest strengths - including when it comes to University Challenge. If you are considering applying, just go ahead and do so. It is enormously fun no matter what happens and you will meet some really good people along the way. It doesn't matter who you are, where you are from, what age you are, or what you think you know about yourself. Just apply!"
How do you find being an OU student?
Ashara: "I love it. It really suits the way I work and learn."
Karie: "...I like being able to plan my studying around my own life, and being responsible for my own learning. I am so proud to represent the OU on University Challenge - showing that lifelong learning is a marvellous thing and that no matter who you are, you belong."
Tom: "I find being an OU student empowering and it has given me the opportunity to study something I am passionate about. The OU represents so many people from a broad range of backgrounds across the world and to be able to represent all those people as part of the OU team is an opportunity I am grateful for."
"The OU represents so many people from a broad range of backgrounds across the world and to be able to represent all those people as part of the OU team is an opportunity I am grateful for." - Tom
Is there anything else you'd like to share?
Karie: "This has truly been one of the most random and one of the best things I have done in my life."
Hector: "I would like to thank Lara, Pete and the rest of the team at OU for the wonderful opportunity of being on the 2024/2025 University Challenge Team as well as my teammates - of whom it was a pleasure to work with!"
Tune into BBC Two on Monday evenings at 8.30pm for Series 31 of University Challenge.
You can read a case study on Karie on the OU in Scotland website.