Conference Steering Committee Volunteer
Apply to be a part of Conference 2024 Steering Committee and help to shape one of the most important events in our Calendar. This role is ideal for all students interested in generating new ideas, would like to gain experience of working collaboratively as well as meeting and getting to know others in your student community.
Conference happens every two years. Conference is important, combining the formal business of the Association as well as other informal discussions, interesting events and debates, and will take considerable planning. The five student members of the Committee will work with elected student leadership team and Association staff in helping to guide Conference.
This opportunity is open to all students that are currently registered and studying. This role can be completed online. All you need is access to the internet to carry out this role, allowing you to volunteer anywhere.
Role Tasks
- Around an hour per week, with some additional flexibility leading up to the Conference, related events and key milestones. Volunteers will need to read and comment in Microsoft Teams spaces, input into discussions and comment on project ideas and developments. Meeting times to be agreed by committee, but volunteers should be prepared to attend meetings on weekday evenings.
Role Training
- Core volunteer training covering GDPR, PREVENT and Safeguarding.
- A full role induction from Association staff and Welcome and introduction session.
- Ongoing support and relevant training throughout your time in the role.
Skills developed in the role
- Problem-solving
- Collaboration
- Communication
Role benefits
- Influence one of the Associations most important events in the calendar.
- Work with members of the elected student leadership teams, including the President. .
- Gain experience in helping to shape a formal Association event.
- Get to know fellow students, generate ideas to benefit the student community.
- Find out more and collaborate with Association staff working on the Conference 2024.
- Develop your communication and digital literacy; as meetings are held online via MS Teams.
- Around an hour per week, with some additional flexibility leading up to the Conference, related events and key milestones. Volunteers will need to read and comment in Microsoft Teams spaces, input into discussions and comment on project ideas and developments.
- One or two meetings may be required, with times to be agreed by attendees, most likely to be held on weekday evenings.

Applications open ahead of each conference year, next date to be confirmed.