Graduation Stall Volunteer/Coordinator Training
Welcome to the online training for volunteers helping at one of the Students Association’s marketing stalls during the 2022 degree ceremony season.
The Students Association is proud to attend these prestigious and memorable events, using the opportunity to offer a range of Open University branded memorabilia for sale to the graduates and their guests.
Volunteering with the Students Association
The Students Association sees these ceremonies as a very important opportunity to promote our organisation with both students and The Open University. For the graduates attending their ceremonies, this event usually marks the end of many years of hard work and dedication. and those graduating deserve a special day.
For these reasons, and to help you provide a professional service, this online training package has been put together to help you prepare for the day. We appreciate that you have volunteered your time to help with this event that will undoubtedly be hard work, but which we hope will also bring you and those you work with much pleasure.
By the end of this training, you should be feeling more confident about different aspects of the day, including setting up the display stall, how to deal with customers, basic product knowledge and how to take payments with electronic point of sale terminals.
You will be working as part of a team with a coordinator who will be able to support you on the day - so don’t worry that you will have to commit all of this to memory!
After you have completed the training that follows, please complete the mandatory quiz based on some key areas we will have covered.
Introducing the OU Students Shop
OU Students Shop is a trading name of OUSA (Services) Limited - a wholly owned, private limited company owned and run by the Students Association through a student-staffed Board of Directors. Our primary purpose is to provide goods and services to OU students. We run an online shop and sell a selection of the merchandise available at pop up stalls at student events
such as graduation ceremonies, residential schools, and events at the Open University campus in Milton Keynes.