Looking after your wellbeing
You will likely be carrying out most or much of your role at home, so please be mindful of your workspace and wellbeing. Make sure you are comfortable and take breaks away from the screen.
Socialising online is now a vital part of our lives — it helps us feel more connected, helps build our student community, and makes it easier to stay in touch and maintain those connections. It has other benefits, too, such as allowing us to find new friends through shared interests and preserve memories. But we all know that online spaces aren’t without their downsides…
Here are some simple steps to take care of yourself and others when in online spaces:
- Set your boundaries. It may be the times you chose to carry out your volunteering role, what device you use when volunteering, and making sure all notifications are off when you go to sleep.
- Be firm about how long you’ll spend each time you do your volunteering.
- Talk to your fellow volunteers, The Community Team and the Volunteering & Representation team if anything is worrying you in your role.
- Drink water to keep hydrated – we all know the drying effects of screen time…
- Go easy on yourself! You work hard to ensure that our online community is healthy, happy, and safe. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done and treat yourself to some self-care.
Remember, you want to be the example of how you wish our community to interact.
Be visible, positive, and encouraging!