Welcome to your volunteering journey!
In this handbook, you will find everything you need to get the most out of your time volunteering at the Open University Students Association.
This handbook will be available throughout your volunteering journey, and we encourage you to revisit it at any time if you need a refresher.
Please take your time to go through all sections and and find the aims and outcomes of the handbook below.
Thank you for offering your time to volunteer at the Association, we can't wait to be a part of your OU journey!
The Volunteer & Representation Team
Please note we are currently updating the volunteer handbook so please bear with us as we refresh the pages ready for our new term. You will still find lots of useful information here to support you on your student journey.
Aims of training
- To introduce the Association and how we operate.
- To introduce what we do and our services.
- To introduce our vision, mission, values and strategy.
- To introduce our core and role focussed training.
- To introduce managing expectations; yours, the Association’s, other volunteers and OU students.
- To communicate the value and impact of volunteering with the Association, and the contribution volunteers make to the student community and to student voice.
Expected training outcomes
- Confidence in knowing about and explaining what the Students Association does.
- Confidence in explaining the services and advocacy the Association provides for OU students and for you in your volunteering role.
- Understanding of how all our volunteers are supported.
- Understanding of your volunteering role.
- Knowing what to expect from your volunteering role.
- Appreciation of how our volunteers support the Association in achieving its goals.
- Confidence in carrying out your role and staying safe.
- Knowing about and having confidence in our policies, including values and behaviours.
- Knowing about core training and understanding our shared responsibilities regarding safeguarding, GDPR, and the Prevent and Equality duties.