Meet your newly elected team members!
The Association By-elections were held between Tuesday 11 October – Wednesday 23 November. We saw a record-breaking 75 students bravely submit their nominations to represent OU students, looking to fill one of the six positions open during these elections. We want to thank each and every student who ran for a role, passionately campaigning and making their voices heard throughout the election period.
This year not only saw an increase in nominations, with voter numbers also exceeding votes cast in the 2022 spring elections. We saw 2,934 students cast their votes, compared to 2,777 in April, and we want to thank all voters for participating and making sure your voice was heard.
Without both candidates and voters, the Association would not be able to run democratic elections, and we hope you will continue to engage with us moving forward.
Now without further ado, it is time to announce who will be joining the Student Leadership Team and Board of Trustees during the 2022-2024 term.
Vice President Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
VP EDI is responsible for ensuring the Association fulfils its commitments to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in accordance with relevant legislation and policy. Your successful 2022-2024 candidate is:
Elected: Natalie Baker

See voter results for VP EDI here
Student Trustee
The Board of Trustees have the ultimate legal responsibility for the Association’s affairs, and the board exercises its powers subject to relevant legislation in addition to our Articles of Association and Bye-Laws. During these elections we were looking to fill one Student Trustee role. Your sixth 2022-2024 Student Trustees is:
Elected: Sarah Pickersgill

See voter results for Student Trustee here
Student Member of Council
The Student Member of Council has primary responsibility for supporting the University’s Council, the governing body of the University. The 2022-2024 Student Member of Council is:
Elected: Kara Chiana Dique

See voter results for Student Member of Council here
Faculty Reps
Now we move onto our Faculty Reps who have the primary responsibility of ensuring students studying within their faculty are represented with regard to all areas of the student experience. We were electing three new Faculty Reps to join the Student Leadership Team, and they are:
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Faculty Rep
Elected: Nigel Patterson

Open & Access Faculty Rep
Elected: Kaz Murphy

Arts & Social Sciences Faculty Rep
Elected: Tommy Rowlands

See voter results for all Faculty Rep roles here
Once again a huge thank you to the students who nominated themselves, and everyone who voted. A full breakdown of votes will be available imminently.