The Central Disciplinary Committee and Individual Representation

CDCindividual representation
One hand reaching out of the sea to take a life ring from another hand passing it to them.

Here at the Individual Representation Service, we provide support and guidance for students who have complaints and appeals against the University, and students who have been accused of academic misconduct (plagiarism). Along with this we can also support students whose presence has been requested at a Central Disciplinary Committee hearing (CDC).

The CDC are a panel of OU staff and Student Representatives who meet once a month and are there to determine if a student has committed serious misconduct. This could be academic misconduct, the student might have had a few plagiarism accusations, or used an essay mill website. Or it could be non-academic misconduct where a student has carried out unacceptable behaviour or perhaps committed an act of dishonesty. Regardless of the offence we are there to support the student in a compassionate and non-judgemental way.

Appearing in front of a CDC panel can be a very daunting and worrying prospect for a student, so we offer our expertise on how to prepare for it, or we can even go to the hearing on their behalf. We are there to represent the student and provide necessary support, advice, and guidance on the best way to engage with the University and approach the hearing.

Since January, we have represented ten students at different CDC hearings, and the feedback we get from students shows the impact a bit of extra support can have.

“Thank you so much for giving me moral support and guidance at this crucial moment of mine. I really appreciate your support without that I am pretty sure I would not have these results from the CDC Panel.”

“I'd like to personally thank you for representing me in the case when I couldn't be present, as I’m sure it would have most likely gone a different way had you not been present. Thank you very much!”

“I want to thank you one more time for your support. I took the outcome as a positive one and now I can focus with a clear mind at my future studies.”

So, if in the future you are in the unfortunate position to be called to a CDC hearing, don’t panic, the Individual Representation team are here to support you. See our webpage for more information.