After an impassioned nomination and voting process that hit some record student numbers, it's now time to announce who will be a part of the 2022-2024 Student Leadership and Board of Trustees team!
The 2022 Elections have seen an incredible range of candidates who have continued to tirelessly campaign throughout the voting period to encourage OU students to vote for who they would like to see on the 2022-2024 Leadership Team and Board of Trustees.
This year not only saw a record number of candidates with 74 students submitting a nomination form, but also a substantial increase in the number of students voting in their student elections. 2,777 votes were cast across the variety of roles available (compared to 2,234 in 2020).
We once again want to say a huge thank you to all of the students who submitted a nomination for this year's elections. Without you, we would not be able to run democratic and efficient elections, and your hard work and passion during the entire process will not be forgotten and we hope this experience with the Association means you will wish to remain involved in the future.
Now it's time to announce who will be representing you during the 2022-2024 term.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees have the ultimate legal responsibility for the Association’s affairs, and the board exercises its powers subject to relevant legislation in addition to our Articles of Association and Bye-Laws. During these elections we filled five of the six Student Trustee roles. Your 2022-2024 Student Trustees are:
Anca Seaton, Charles Chao Rong, Claire Wallace, Fanni Zombor and Johnathan Doran

Area Reps
Area Representatives have the primary responsibility of supporting the development of a student community in their area, representing the views of students to the Central Executive Committee and the Open University. So without further ado, here are your 2022-2024 Area Reps!
England Area Rep: Elizabeth Scully
Ireland Area Rep: Stephen Hughes
International Area Rep: Mohai Eddine
Scotland Area Rep: Paul Reid
Wales Area Rep: Raed Townsend

Faculty Reps
Now we move onto our Faculty Reps who have the primary responsibility of ensuring students studying within their faculty are represented with regard to all areas of the student experience. We are electing Reps for four out of the five faculties and here are your new Faculty Reps:
Arts and Social Sciences Rep: Claire Pettyfer
Business and Law Rep: Benjamen Mansell
STEM Rep: Yasmin Fitzpatrick
WELS Rep: Nichola Connolly

Student Member of Council
Now onto the Student Member of Council who has primary responsibility for supporting the University’s Council, the governing body of the University. The 2022-2024 Student Member of Council is:
Mossy Taylor

Vice President Administration
VP Administration has primary responsibility for the Association’s assets, financial management and rules. The 2022-2024 VP Administration is:
Michael Bryan

Vice President Community
VP Community is responsible for encouraging and enabling a vibrant and supportive student community, enabling OU students to engage with and participate in the Association at local, national and international levels. The 2022-2024 VP Community is:
Cazzandra Flowers

Vice President Education
The Vice President Education has the responsibility for keeping the University’s educational programmes and related matters under continuous review, and for overseeing Academic Representation. The 2022-2024 VP Education is:
Laura Marulanda-Carter

Vice President Engagement
VP Engagement has the responsibility for oversight of the Association’s strategic aims of improving our members’ awareness of, and engagement with, the Association. The 2022 to 2024 VP Engagement is:
Louise Robinson

Vice President Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
VP EDI is responsible for ensuring the Association fulfils its commitments to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in accordance with relevant legislation and policy. Your successful 2022-2024 candidate is:
Oakley Monk-Owen

Vice President Student Support
This position has the responsibility of ensuring that the University provides the necessary support for students enabling them to study; as such it is a particularly wide-ranging remit. The 2022-2024 VP Student Support is:
Nicola Ann Boffee

Deputy President
The Deputy President has their own remit while also working with the President, supporting them to lead the Central Executive Committee. The 2022-2024 Deputy President is:
Natalie Anane-Adjei

The final role to be announced is the Students Association President. They are the elected head of the OU Students Association and are responsible for leading the organization and ensuring the objectives of the Association are met. The Association President for the 2022-2024 term is:
Margaret Greenaway

Once again a huge thank you to the students who nominated themselves, and everyone who voted. You can view the full breakdown of votes here.