It's Results Day

Whatever result you've received today, we're proud of you.

2024ou prideproudresults
The OU Students Association logo ('OU' written in a sky blue speechmark, with 'Students Association'

It's Results Day today – and we would like to raise our virtual hat to each and every one of our students.

It's not easy being an OU student. We know this. Studying for a degree, as well as having to juggle various other demands on your time, is hard work. That's why we say to you – be proud of yourself today

If you've achieved what you aimed for, celebrate your accomplishment. If you've not achieved the results you were hoping for, don't be discouraged. Please do keep going. Everyone has their own OU journey.

If you would like any support at this time, please visit our Support and Advice section where you will find the many avenues of support available to you.

We can also provide direct case support to OU students who are thinking about making a complaint, through our Individual Representation Service.

If you'd like to meet up with other students who have received results, we're hosting a Results Drop-In on Thursday, 25 July at 6pm.

Whatever your result, well done from us. Here's a video from OU Pride to encourage you all on this day.