The 2024 National Student Survey is now open

'NSS' in purple with the words 'National Student Survey' written underneath.

The 2024 National Student Survey (NSS) is now open. It went live on Monday, 8 January and will close on Tuesday, 30 April.

The NSS is an annual survey commissioned by the Office for Students (OfS) to invite feedback on the student experience. As a publicly funded Higher Education Institution, The Open University takes part in this survey each year.

There are approximately 23,500 OU students in this year’s cohort, who will get the chance over the next few weeks to have their say on your whole study journey. Respondents will also enter a prize draw for one of 15 x £50 Amazon vouchers.

The NSS is anonymous, so students can be as frank in their feedback as they like. The Open University will use this feedback to make continuous improvements to teaching, assessment and the whole student experience.

At the OU Students Association, we closely follow NSS feedback on the student union question – 'How well does the Students' Union (Association or Guild) represent students' academic interests?' – which helps our efforts to improve the ways in which we listen to students and communicate with them about how we represent their interests.

Check your eligibility and take the survey at

If you've got any questions about the National Student Survey, please email