Our club allows people on the R60 cybersecurity degree and any other degree pathway with an interest in technology to come and chat.
It also aims to have questions answered by professionals in the field.
Through the use of platforms like Hack the Box and TryHackMe the group is constantly practicing and having fun.
Asking questions and discussing a common interest in cyber is our clubs main theme, however we also play CTF events together and have the Open University team doing well in various CTF leagues. We encourage people to join for fun and practical practice.
The club is very welcoming to new comers, current students and Alumni. Alumni’s knowledges is invaluable.
We have channels for all the relevant IT modules to discuss non TMA question/s. All in all it’s a really productive group and over the years we have had people use the Discord group to help get work in the field.
We have had official status with the OU before and are happy to be back as an official club!
Email us at oucssrocks@gmail.com for further details.
Check us out at https://oucss.rocks and join our discord server through https://join.oucss.rocks or the discord invite below: