Who We Are

Our Mission

To provide a safety net for Open University students who might otherwise struggle to continue to fund their studies due to financial hardship.


Our Values

To be honest and respectful in all our interactions.
To build and nurture personal connections.
To seek and value others contributions.
To consider others, and model kindness through all interactions.


Our Strategy








Danielle Smith OUSET Interim Chair/Deputy Chair image

Danielle Smith

Interim Chair/Deputy Chair of the board for OUSET


I am a former OU student (and may be again some day!) having achieved an Open Degree, an MA and a PgC. During my time as a student I volunteered with the Open University Students Association as a student rep, sitting on various governance committees across the University.

From 2020 - 2022 I was the elected Student Member of Council, representing student interests at the highest level of the University. I loved volunteering and being involved in the student voice which is such an important element of the OU. It was a really rewarding time and I met some fantastic people. When the call came with the offer to be a Trustee for OUSET, there was no hesitation. Being able to support students in financial hardship to achieve their study dreams and life goals is an absolute privilege and I am delighted to be able to be part of that work. I live in Sunderland with my partner and cat and work full time for the NHS as a Governance Manager - a job I wouldn't have without my OU qualifications! I love live music, particularly rock and blues and enjoy going to gigs, reading and travelling in my free time.


Julia McDougall OUSET Trustee image

Julia McDougall

Member of the board for OUSET


Having enjoyed studying with the OU so much, which did wonders for my confidence and self-esteem, I wanted to give something back.

It is no exaggeration to say that for someone in difficult circumstances the opportunity to do a degree is life-changing. It opens the doors to so many possibilities, and as a trustee for OUSET I can play a small part in making that happen for them.


Sarah Jones OUSET Trustee image

Sarah Jones

Member of the board for OUSET

As former President of the OU Students Association, I have seen the good that OUSET can do for OU Students.

I love being part of making a difference for students who are in financial hardship, enabling them to follow their dreams of furthering their education.


Lou Robinson OUSET Trustee image

Lou Robinson

Member of the board for OUSET


Throughout my studies I've volunteered at many graduation stalls and fundraised for OUSET and I'm blessed to have been asked to step up as a Trustee.

OUSET helps keep students on track to reach their goals through challenging circumstances. My own OU studies have opened doors, built my confidence and changed my life for the better. To be a small part in ensuring this life changing opportunity remains on track for my fellow students is a real honour.


Beth Metcalf OUSET Trustee image

Beth Metcalf

Member of the board for OUSET


I am the current Chief Exec for the OU Students Association, and as such I am invited to be a Trustee for OUSET, a charity which supports our students when they find themselves in financial hardship.

Outside of work I am involved in a number of poverty prevention initiatives and so I am honoured to be involved in this work to ensure that we are supporting individuals to gain life changing qualifications in a range of circumstances. I am passionate about what we do and the individuals we help and would encourage anyone interested to get involved in our work!


Sharon O'Kelly OUSET Trustee image

Sharon O’Kelly

Member of the board for OUSET

My role as the Vice-Chancellors delegated trustee allows me to contribute to OUSET which is dedicated to supporting students in financial need and ensuring they have the chance to gain life-changing qualifications.

I am genuinely passionate and excited about the impact OUSET can make and encourage others to join us in our mission to empower individuals through education.


Michael Bryan OUSET Trustee image

Michael Bryan

Member of the board for OUSET


More intro



Staff team



Gemma Church OUSET staff image

Gemma Church

Senior Fundraiser


It’s a pleasure to be a part of OUSET’s work, helping Students experiencing financial hardship.

As an OU Student myself, I can truly see the benefit further learning can bring. This combined with my love of charitable work drives me to go the extra mile for OUSET.

Email me


caseworker staff image

Our Business Services Team are here to support all OUSET applicants.


Have any questions?

Email us





View the latest accounts for the Open University Students Educational Trust

The Trustees' Annual Report and Accounts comprise the financial statements for the charity.

These are audited by an external independent auditor and presented to Trustees each year for their approval. As well as being published on our website, the Charity's accounts are also filed with the Charity Commission.

OUSET Year ended - July 2023

