If you are a Volunteer Manager - please see 'Advice' folder in the Volunteer Management MsTeams space which has more information or email oustudents-volunteer@open.ac.uk and we will be happy to help. Topics covered on this page are:
- Advice to volunteers on changing contact email address or postal address
- Viewing contact details for a person
- Accessibility details optionally provided by prospective volunteer on application for a role
- Updating volunteer attendance at a volunteer training event
- Finding which volunteers are in a volunteer role
- To view contact details for volunteers from a group list
- Downloading list of volunteers contact information within a volunteer role group from Report Server
Advice to volunteers on changing contact email address, phone number or postal address
Once a volunteer has received an @open address, they can update their email contact address from their personal email to their volunteer @open account email, see screenshot below (same details can be sent to them if they have just want to update their email address):
The set up the @open account termination matches the end of role, so a volunteer would need their contact details back to their personal email address afterwards.
Phone number and postal address can be changed here too.
To view contact details for an individual volunteer
Login to the backend of the website and select People
Press either the ‘Details’ or ‘Contact info’ to view the contact email address
Accessibility details optionally provided by prospective volunteer on application for a role
Login to the backend of the website and select People
View Notes
From December 2023 any volunteer recruited will be sent an Onboarding Information webform and their response will be copied directly from this form by V&R to the Person Notes field, dated and initialed.
Prior to December 2023 information was copied directly from an application form by V&R to the Person Notes field, if anything has been shared by the applicant in response to the question: Please detail any accessibility needs relevant to this opportunity which you would like to share with us
An alternative solution to allow maintenance of this information by the website account holder has been proposed by MSL and is currently under review by the Accessibility Working Group.
Dietary information is not stored in Person Notes, as event organisers, need to ask volunteers for each event.
Updating volunteer attendance at a volunteer training event
From front end of website select Volunteer Admin
Select Training Admin
Click on training course name to select training course
Select ‘Events’ tab
Click on relevant event date/time
Then select ‘attendees’ tab
Paste attendees email address into add attendee box and prese ‘find person’ button
Once person displayed, press ‘select’ button and then ‘add’ button
Alternatively, if the person has booked on the course and listed as provisional, tick to mark as attended.
Press SAVE to update the course
Repeat until all attendees recorded at a training event (these courses will now be listed in their volunteer profile when the volunteer is logged onto the website).
More information on setting up and managing online and event based training is available for Volunteer Managers in the 'Volunteer Management' MsTeams space.
Finding which volunteers are in a volunteer role
Login to the backend of the website and select Groups
To find the what the name of the volunteer role group in Groups select 6020 as the group (which displays the All Volunteers group under which all volunteer role groups sit).
Click on the structure circled in yellow and expand the selections under Representation, Other, Community and Support to see a list of volunteer role groups.
You can use name or group number to pull the group membership.
There is no download facility from the screen.
To view contact details for volunteers from a group list
Follow the instructions above to find the individuals in a group and then click on the volunteer name and it will take you to the person details.
Downloading list of volunteers contact information within a volunteer role group from Report Server
You will need access to the Reports Server in addition to your access to the backend, please contact oustudents-media@open.ac.uk to be set up.
First sign onto the backend:
Once logged into the Reports Server then this screen is displayed:
Select ‘Memberships’
Select ‘Group Contact Info’ Report
Click ID override and joined since to NULL, Group by membership group to FALSE
Then select from dropdown of all grouping ids (refer to grouping tree within 6020 All Volunteers for the reference number or scroll to see all groups prefixed Other, Representation, Support and Community) for the group you need to review members of.
If Excel download required, select that option from the from save icon and ensure superfluous data deleted, data immmediately secured and then deleted as per Data Retention policy.