When student gets referred to the Central Disciplinary Committee, many find this very overwhelming. We want to ensure you understand the process and know the support available to you. Our Student Advisors are here to provide you with support and advice. If you don’t feel comfortable or confident attending the hearing yourself, we can attend on your behalf.
What is CDC?
A Central Disciplinary Committee (CDC) hearing is a formal meeting where a panel determines whether a student has committed serious academic or non-academic misconduct, and if so, what penalty is appropriate to apply.
The panel typically includes:
As the student under investigation, you have the option to attend the hearing in person or you can have someone attend on your behalf, this could be one of our Student Advisors from the Individual Representation Service (IRS). The hearing will go proceed regardless of whether you or your representative is present, but students who actively engage with process generally see more favourable outcomes.
What happens during the hearing?
The panel will have reviewed the case, including your explanation of the incident and any relevant information, such as past offenses. During the hearing, you will have the opportunity to:
Once the panel has gathered all the necessary information and asked all their questions, you will be asked to leave the meeting while the panel deliberates in private. They will then decide on the outcome and any penalties, which will be communicated to you after the meeting.
What support can we offer?
Our Individual Representation service offers support, advice and guidance for students who have been referred to the CDC. Our Student Advisors can help you by:
Support can be provided via video call, phone, or email—whichever is most comfortable for you. If a Student Advisor will be representing you at the hearing, they will need as much information as possible to fully understand your situation. Be open and honest with them; their role is to ensure your voice is heard and your perspective is clearly communicated to the panel.