We all want our study journey to go smoothly, but what if it doesn’t? What if you are not happy with an aspect of your study, or get accused of academic misconduct? Join the Association’s Student Advice and Individual Representation service for an overview of the support on offer. We are happy to be joined by a guest speaker from Academic Services at the OU. The focus of their presentation will be the OU process of appealing academic decisions such as an Academic Misconduct penalty or TMA results. The session will be in the form of a presentation, and opportunities to ask questions.
Hosts: Chibwe and Stevie Eglinton-Pacitti
Join on Microsoft Teams (You will first be taken to a forum where the direct link for the session will be posted. You will need to login with your OU login details to get into the forum. You do not need an MS Teams account to access the meeting - just join as a guest.)
Our online events are intended to be welcoming and friendly spaces. Please read our Code of Conduct before joining this session and keep this in mind when taking part.