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Welcome to students across Wales and beyond! In this interactive session, your Welsh Student Representative will introduce you to useful services available within our university, providing the opportunity to get to know each other and to chat with your fellow students across Wales, even competing with them in a themed quiz.

Come along, meet other students and have a great time with your student representative.

Croeso i fyfyrwyr ledled Cymru a thu hwnt! Yn y sesiwn rhyngweithiol hon, bydd eich Cynrychiolydd Myfyrwyr Cymraeg yn eich cyflwyno i wasanaethau defnyddiol sydd ar gael yn ein prifysgol, gan gynnig cyfle i gwrdd â'i gilydd a chymunedu â'ch cyd-fyfyrwyr ledled Cymru, hyd yn oed drwy gystadlu â nhw mewn cwestiwn tematig.

Dewch draw, cyfarfod â myfyrwyr eraill a chael amser gwych gyda'ch cynrychiolydd myfyrwyr.

Host: Michael - Area Representative for Wales

Join on Microsoft Teams (You will first be taken to a forum where the direct link for the session will be posted. You will need to login with your OU login details to get into the forum. You do not need an MS Teams account to access the meeting - just join as a guest.) 

Our online events are intended to be welcoming and friendly spaces. Please read our Code of Conduct before joining this session and keep this in mind when taking part.