In relation to a current suggestion, there should be improvements to the PDF materials offered. Having only just started my course with the OU, I've been pleased by the quantity of material offered, but I was surprised that a now strictly online presence (which was also disappointing, as other issues have raised) doesn't offer a more modern and dynamic approach to viewing the material online.
For the module I'm studying alone there are ~2500 participants, with the textbook materials amounting to over 1200 pages. Looking at around 3,000,000 pages of A4, that's approximately 300 trees. When it's considered that all of these textbooks need to be recycled (and that's assuming that everyone recycles it) that's still a huge quantity of waste.
Recycling textbooks for further paper still incurs a cost to the environment, with varied sources stating the carbon emissions equate to between 70% and 80% of the original creation of the paper. Surely it would be better to have the option of not having this paper created in the first place.