I am coming to the end of my first year and due to ADHD are in receipt of DSA and have also been able to apply for the OU's Study Related Costs Funding. I have found communicating with the student disability support and student fees quite challenging and not a friendly system for those who find making phone calls and keeping up to date on emails difficult for various reasons. Studying is already difficult and our energy shouldn't be wasted having to constantly chase things up or have to re explain everything to a new advisor every time. My experience is that information given about support available has differed depending on whom the phone connects to at student fees, it has become confusing and causing delays in accessing the support needed. For example - Originally I got told you could apply for the following as separate categories which gave them their own budget of funding available: General study costs £200 (printer, stationary, headphones etc), internet costs £20pm, study device £250 (laptop, tablet). However, the most recent advisor at student fees I spoke to about this said the you only get £200 for the whole year so if you had already been reimbursed for internet for example which would be £180 for the year then you only can use the remaining £20 for any other category. Even the terms and conditions of the study related costs funding give students the impression that each category is separate. My point is you will send an email giving the information you wish to get answers to and get told one things or over the phone and then when in the process following that advise you get told no by another person. This is incredibly taxing and adding to the mental load of all students but especially those who struggle with a condition. There needs to be clear and consistent information given to students from these Services especially as they are mostly interacting with vulnerable people.